The Magic of Change
I have an old bumper sticker that I found years ago that never made it to a bumper. It says “Change Is Inevitable, To Struggle Is An Option.”
I want to end this amazing year of change, healing, and growth, by sharing a story with you. A Chinese tale, that was paraphrased beautifully and given to me by a very dear friend. You may have heard it before. If so, it’s a good one to hear again. If not, I believe it will be worth your time to hear it now. It goes like this…
There was a mom, dad and son who lived on a farm, and they raised vegetables and horses. One day they woke up to find the horses had broken out of the corral and were gone. The neighbors heard of the disaster and said to the farmer, “what a sad day this is.” His reply to them was “maybe so – maybe not.” A week later the farmer and his family were awakened by a huge amount of noise, and they found their horses had returned with a like number of wild ones. The neighbors gathered round, and said “what a wonderful thing this is!” The farmer again replied “maybe so – maybe not.” Another week passed and the farmer and his son were busy breaking the horses. The son was bucked off and broke his leg. The neighbors again said “what a sad day this is,” and again the farmers reply was “maybe so – maybe not.” The very next day the army came by and took all the young men into the army, except the boy with the broken leg. “What a wonderful thing this is” said the neighbors. And the farmer’s reply was again “maybe so – maybe not.”
Remember you have choice in how you deal with everything. Change is inevitable, to struggle is an option. Do you react to the changes your inner guidance is asking of you, or to your inner guidance changing when you need it to? Or to changes in the outer world, both in your own life or in others lives? Do you find yourself fighting, avoiding, ignoring, and resisting it, and losing your center? Or do you trust, and stay neutral, flowing, and grounded?
Your security lies within how you choose to respond to change. You start to feel safe, no matter what is going on, in, and around you. And you begin to see how magical life really is.
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Solstice! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Holidays! Whatever you celebrate, I wish you much Joy, Peace, and Quiet in the coming months of Winter. No matter where you are in your life, You, Your Love, and Your Light are all truly a gift to me and the world.
With Love, Lonnie